Sexual Abuse Support
At Holla, we are committed to creating a safe, inclusive and welcoming community for all. We have zero tolerance for any forms of sexual abuse, including non-consensual sexual acts, image-based sexual abuse, sextortion, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming, and take all necessary steps to prevent, detect, and report such content and activity.
What do I do if I come across content that shows or promotes sexual abuse, or mocks survivors of sexual abuse on Holla?
If you come across any content on Holla that seems to show or promote sexual abuse, or mocks survivors of sexual abuse, please know that it is a violation of our policies and guidelines, and can be reported to us (see below). If the content seems to imply or show sexual activity or sexual abuse of children who are under the age of 18, it may be child sexual abuse material (CSAM), which is strictly prohibited on Holla. Please be extra vigilant. Do not comment, download, capture, share CSAM content or follow accounts who distribute in any way. If you see suspected CSAM, report it immediately.
Your active involvement in reporting such content helps us maintain a safe online environment. Holla will not disclose your identity to the person whose content or account you’re reporting. Please report us immediately through our in-app reporting flow and be aware of additional external reporting and support options.
●In-app reporting
●Do not comment, share, download, interact with the content, or follow accounts who distribute.
●Report the content to Holla under the user’s profile:
●For adults, select Sexually Offensive, Violence or terrorism, Abuse or Bullying, Drug Abuse, Incorrect Gender
●For children, select Underage
●External reporting
●Do not comment, share, download, interact with the content, or follow accounts who distribute.
●If you are reporting suspected CSAM, in addition to in-app reporting, you can also notify one of the following organizations that coordinates with law enforcement agencies around the world:
●The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) CyberTipline
●Omega supports external partners and resources for children and adults who may be concerned about image-based sexual abuse and sextortion
●If you are under 18, or an adult concerned that nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit images or videos taken before you were 18 have been or may be shared online, please refer to Take It Down, a tool designed by NCMEC to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse by removing explicit content and preventing it from being shared or reshared online.
●If you are aged 18 years and older and you are concerned your adult intimate images or videos have been or may be shared online without your consent, you can contact for assistance to remove explicit content and prevent it from being shared or reshared online.
How to get professional support for survivors of sexual abuse
We understand that sexual abuse and related trauma affect the lives of many. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please reach out to local emergency services or local law enforcement.
Youth Sexual and Physical Abuse
We are deeply committed to Holla being a safe and positive experience for children. We strictly prohibit showing, promoting, or engaging in youth sexual or physical abuse or exploitation. This includes child sexual abuse material (CSAM), grooming, sextortion, sexual solicitation, pedophilia, and physical or psychological harm of children.
We report incidents of youth sexual abuse and exploitation and abuse to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ( NCMEC). We also report to relevant law enforcement authorities when there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury. If you see suspected CSAM, report it immediately in-app or on our website. Do not download, capture, or share CSAM content in any way.
If you or someone you know has experienced youth sexual abuse or exploitation, support is available. Contact a helpline or service provider in your region. If you are in immediate danger, please reach out to your local emergency services or local law enforcement.
●Showing, promoting, or engaging in youth sexual or physical abuse or exploitation, including:
●Child sexual abuse material (CSAM), including any screenshot or any clip from the original material even if it does not show nudity or sexual activity;
●Romantic relationships between an adult and child, including pedophilia, or self-identifying as an adult attracted to a child;
●Grooming behavior;
●Sexual harassment;
●Sexual solicitation, including inviting a child to engage in a sexual act, go off-platform, or share sexually explicit images (even if invited by another child).
●Showing or promoting physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, or psychological abuse of children.
●Revictimizing children who have experienced abuse or exploitation, including through third party reshares.
●Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) means any sexualized material of a child that is shared or created by anyone, including self-generated CSAM, or highly realistic-appearing digital or AI-generated content. Sexualized material includes content that implies or shows sexual activities or sexual abuse, sexualization of a youth body, or fetishization of youth body parts.
●Grooming is when someone becomes friendly or otherwise builds a trusting relationship with a child for the purpose of sexual abuse or exploitation.
●Sextortion is a threat to share nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content without consent, usually to get money, sexual acts, or more nude, intimate, or sexually explicit content.
●Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual communication or behavior directed at a person. This includes sexualization through the platform (such as imitating a sexual act through a duet or a sticker), making statements about intimate body parts or sexual performance, or sharing or threatening to share information about a person s sexual life (such as sexual history or partners, or sexual orientation).
●Intimate body parts means genitalia, buttocks, and breasts (including nipple and areola).
It can be illegal to engage with sexual abuse content. Please be sure to report such content right away and do not comment, share, download, interact with the content, follow accounts who distribute, or otherwise engage with the content.